Life takes it own deviations
Without any explanation
Diverging unknown directions
Helplessly I let myself flow
Wondering where did ‘I” go
Numbness takes over a while
Why am I turning so servile ?
The years crowd around me
Asking me if it indeed is ‘me’
Reminders of why I broke free
Shaking off the lethal reverie
I look fondly at life – it’s mine
Knowing it as no freak fortune
Changing life’s ways may be
Endless time life has whispered to me
You never need fear fate’s decree
Someone I remember had once said
What is allotted you just cannot blot
With a beguiling smile I had responded
Something else my heart had demanded
Life’s path I have chosen my way to bend
My marred life - I have dared to mend
I refuse to let it suffer the blues again
So I pick up own unique colorful brush -
To paint it with happiness & joy anew !