Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The desire
to be alive
keeps knocking
within me
Pushes me
to live a life
bereft of bondings –

It glares at me
each night
as I prepare to sleep
I pretend
to look the other way
While it sits
in my mind’s corner
and begins to weep

Filled with guilt
I cajole
again -
it speaks to me
Of the un-tread
paths of life
it wants me to take
Of journeys
that leaders took
we read in books

I pull my sheet &
whisper my wish
The wish to quietly
Knowing well
that deep within
It is now my turn
to weep
Weep for the dreams
which I lost
Because of sleepless nights
For being content
leading a life
of endless- struggle & strife

Undeterred -
it pulls back the sheet
and whispers
softly in my ear -
oh , why do you wish to weep
while there’s so much to do...

Weave new dreams
to make them true
Paint them all
in life’s
wondrous hues

I don’t wish to sleep
wish to be life’s
best friend
Not read of journeys
or dream of them
But take the untrodden paths
Not content
just living life
But to dream &
be Alive !

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We women are like teabags.
We don't know our true strength
until we are in hot water!

Seeing no other way
to make life better for ourselves ,
We try to change things,
It may make us alone & lonely,
but then we know…

Good things always come for a price ……
The shackles of slavery and oppression are hard to bear
But freedom leaves us to the world like an open wound
Unprotected ….prone to attacks…. to bleed to death

The former make us bear the onslaught of one on one,
But freedom pits us against all the evils of the world
Tired…….so many amongst us do surrender
Even moments before the battle could have been won….

But that’s not us….
We won't give up the fight
Even if we get tired…..we’ll continue with dignity…..
Think of the generations to follow
And make the world a better place for them……