Monday, December 19, 2011

Life's eccentricity

The story began with a simple I
I believed I would find someone - my
It was my naiveté that didn’t let me see
How difficult it is to end as true ‘we’
I believed dreams always came true
And each ‘I’ always ends up with ‘you’
For years that was how I thought
So this silly heart of mine sought
A ‘you’ to fulfill my simple dreams
To help me cross life’s eternal stream
In my heart I wished to just fly
And reach the ‘you and me’ sky
But my ‘I’ never became ‘we’
My dream was not meant to be reality
‘I’ just remained with ‘me’
The void deep within no one to see
Alone on life’s crossroads I stand
Working hard to understand
Sometimes I look back and just ponder
Was I not good enough- I wonder
Or maybe life had whispered to say
You are special- walk a different way
Goading me to find a life of my own
Which as ‘we’ I might ever never known
I let this thought linger awhile
As in the mirror to myself I smile
I think -
Life might have flown in its own pace
Yet allowed me my own sweet space
It has tried giving me my very best
With a generous sprinkling of conquests
What if it didn’t give ‘me’ my ‘we’
Like a friend it helped me find ‘my’ identity

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Soaring Spirits

My life nothing but a realm of my dreams
Bound in my heart, a free flowing stream
Mountains or ravines –whatever the terrain
Fear is something I feel no need to feign
Circumstances hell bent tries to bind me
Nothing to worry as my spirit soars free
Might have thought me as one of the weaker
Knowing not that each day makes me stronger
Don’t tell me that road is not meant for thee
The dream in my eyes you may fail to see
Promises to myself each morning I do make
And to fulfill them all my might, I just stake
Can’t wait for dame luck make my dreams true
So my own rainbow I fill with life’s diverse hue
Can any lexicon ever express my feelings within
Yet, umpteen times I pen, crush & toss in the bin

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Eden

In the quest for my own identity
I look at all choices and responsibility
The foremost one is to find a home
Finding a home is not just mirth
It gives a wonderful sense of worth
Soul searching questions it entails
To ensure that happiness prevails
Not the one where I have grown
But one which I will feel my own
With the seeds of belonging sown
There I hope never to feel forlorn
Not just any four walled place
But one that allows me my space
Through the brush of my unique touch
It will allow me to express so much
From a structure it will become a home
Holding the warmth of mother’s womb
Walled each side, yet an open highway
Waiting to show its own magical ways
Having answered all my questions
I embark on my search for home
In my search along with my father, I find
The one who carried me in her womb
With them beside me in my quest
Not once did I feel a wee bit queasy
Their presence made, finding a home so easy
Now I just need to give it my special touch
A couch here with a tall corner lamp
Some chairs there with a welcome coffee table
A dream framed in a picture on the opposite wall
Maybe a sprinkle of greens in pots and vases
Will add the aroma of hope and love to the huge hall
Truly then my Eden – that’s what my home I will call

My Eden

In the quest for my own identity
I look at all choices and responsibility
The foremost one is to find a home
Finding a home is not just mirth
It gives a wonderful sense of worth
Soul searching questions it entails
To ensure that happiness prevails
Not the one where I have grown
But one which I will feel my own
With the seeds of belonging sown
There I hope never to feel forlorn
Not just any four walled place
But one that allows me my space
Through the brush of my unique touch
It will allow me to express so much
From a structure it will become a home
Holding the warmth of mother’s womb
Walled each side, yet an open highway
Waiting to show its own magical ways
Having answered all my questions
I embark on my search for home
In my search along with my father, I find
The one who carried me in her womb
With them beside me in my quest
Not once did I feel a wee bit queasy
Their presence made, finding a home so easy
Now I just need to give it my special touch
A couch here with a tall corner lamp
Some chairs there with a welcome coffee table
A dream framed in a picture on the opposite wall
Maybe a sprinkle of greens in pots and vases
Will add the aroma of hope and love to the huge hall
Truly then my Eden – that’s what my home I will call


Looking at the cartons around
surfaces a fear - profound
So much to be done, yet lying forlorn
I know what I should, what is good
Gradually - brews a storm in my mind
But words - just don’t take any form
Poor mind, not one to shirk, goads to work
Lethargy pervades - again I evade
Trying to save moments, my heart laments
For the lazy days, simply wasted away
Some crept or just went, emotions held or spent
Instead it should think of life and all my past strife
Why jump, pine, scream or lie supine
When it is no use to cry or whine
A feeling takes over, before I ruminate any more
End will come - no matter what I may
Knowing that I do not have any say
So why not ensure to give my best
Leaving him up there to do the rest
Seeing my quandary - past wins smile
I sit and play with them a while
Rejuvenated - I pull the nearest carton
Deep within- once again I have won