Saturday, September 1, 2012

Guiding Hope

Hope, my consort, remain by me

Come what may - every calamity

Warmth in your comforting embrace

Assurance in your ever smiling face

Am scared by the darkness I find around

You chide that it is all in my mind

Your eyes speak, giving me confidence

My trembling heart, listens in reverence

Warily I look at the hovering clouds

You show me the silver lining around

Once again you have lent me your smile

And the will to walk that uphill mile

Walking life’s path - challenges replete

Wonder if I would have conceded defeat?

But with you my friend by my side

Through every hurdle to gently guide

Once again I gather all my might

And now I know, am going to fight

Today the going may not be so fine

Am sure tomorrow will be mine !


  1. Olá Shampa, como vai.

    Esta é, certamente o momento para lêr todo o conteúdo, destas escritas.


    Até mais.

    1. Muito para o seu apreço e interesse Graças. Sou honrado.
