Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fear & the extra mile

I almost had a brush with death (quoting the Doc's words) & must say that it was a real scary which makes me love life more. Through this poem I share my fears ....the thoughts ...then & now ..... :-)

With each passing cloud
I feel my life flow out
Is it reality or just me
Trapped in some shroud

I feel nothing
A trance all pervading
Darkness all around
Lurking thirsty hounds

Alone I fight the mist
Struggling to cross the ocean
Determined-I clench my fist
My life won’t go in vein

Then the sound of the closing doors
Or maybe my life swish pass by
Willing to shut the fear out
The tears well out of my empty eyes

I feel myself a shadow
A faintness of what I used to be
I shrink away from the shroud
Or from the darkness all around

I wonder if I was gone that day
Would I linger in your memory
Someone you might miss forever
or a feeling that would flow away

I sit and think of that moment
when I saw death smile
One that will always force me
to walk that extra mile.


  1. BTW Do you mean vain or vein where u say..." My life will not go in vein".
    If it's a typo thank me if it is not then i'd rather not imagine u in hospital ICU all wired up.
    let me feel happy that you are okay and getting on all well with your life.
