Monday, September 12, 2011

What is life we ask

Life may be harsh & cold
Or a beautiful dream to behold
While we plan of life ahead
Death may be lurking behind

None knows what’s there in life’s cup
As it has its own downs & ups
This moment it may lift us to the top
And then very next drop us down

We don’t know from life what to hope
Just that it has its own treasure trove
Sometimes to treat us with respect
Or just shower us with contempt

First life gets us all confused
And then smiles seeing us bemused
We keep looking for answers
Shuffling between our joy and fears

This is the answer I found for me
Is it yours you may test and see
Life is an uncompleted task
One we must complete
Before our end we meet


  1. Life- uncompleted task.
    Hmmm... new idea.
    But sad i really don't know if there is a task for me to complete.
    Are u trying to say life is for living...stay put and live it?
    Respond pls and provide me...

  2. Shivani - I absolutely believe that the Almighty sends us each for a make a difference somewhere/to change something.....& we can only achieve that by being alive...not just living :-)
